Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Leverage your recruiter!

In a previous blog I discussed how to utilize your recruiter to make your resume shine for a particular position/employer. So, now you’ve landed an interview. How can your recruiter help you through that process?

Your recruiter most likely has a relationship with the hiring manager, either directly or through their account manager. They should be able to help you with employer specific preparation. A short list includes:
· Where to show up, and at what time. Is there a trick to locating the building or the office in the building? Will you need to fill out an application prior to the interview?
· What to wear. Though it is always best to dress conservatively, some companies expect a certain level of attire. Your recruiter should have inside information on this.
· Who will be interviewing you? Will you be interviewing with one person, multiple people, in a group setting, or serially? Knowing this ahead of time will reduce any surprises.
· What to bring with you. How many copies of your resume should you bring? Should you bring samples of your work? You should always bring a pad of paper and a pen to take notes. You should also write your questions out ahead of time, so you won’t forget them.
· The type of interview to expect. Does the company practice behavioral, informational, or stress interviewing, or is it a mixture? Knowing the type of interview allows you to prepare for certain questions and how to answer them.
· What you need to know about the position, beyond the job description. Is this position replacing someone, or is it new? What’s the hiring manager like? Insight regarding the position can allow you to highlight the strengths they’re looking for.
· What you need to know about the company, beyond their website. What is the work culture? Insight about the company allows you to pose questions to see how you fit in.

There are a million (now a million and one) websites with suggestions on how to prepare for an upcoming interview. After you’ve read a number of those, be sure to leverage your recruiter to get the inside scoop!

Al Walsh

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